Strategy 2030

Tatarstan has adopted the Strategy of Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Tatarstan till 2030, which has the force of the republican law.

Every day brings changes to the world, and Tatarstan actively responds to the shift of competition from macro-level (inter-state competition) to mesolevel (competition between growth poles). Development strategy has been developed and adopted for the coming 15 years, it has laid down the core strategic goal: Tatarstan-2030: the globally competitive sustainable region, the driver (the main source of growth) of the Volga-Kama growth pole.

The Law of the Republic of Tatarstan No.40-LRT “On approval of the Strategy of Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Tatarstan till 2030” was adopted on June 15, 2015. The Strategy priorities are the following: formation of new effective knowledge-based economics, development of innovative activities and top-end economic sectors.

Modern instruments applied for development of the Republic, stated in the Strategy 2030, are reflected in the key directions: Volga-Kama growth pole, the Volga-Kama metropolis, the Kazan, Kama and Almetyevsk economic zones and agglomerations, eco-zone “The Volga-Kama stream”, the Tatarstan technological initiative, cluster activation, model “Tatarstan : 7+6+3”.

Ambition of Tatarstan is to become the core Eurasian region of Russia. The republic strives to become the leader in the quality of consistent development of human capital, institutes, infrastructure, economy, external integration and internal space, the region of advanced development rates, high involvement into the international division of labour.

Cluster activation serves core mechanism of transition to innovative economy. Three main clusters are provided for economy: core clusters (science and education), innovative clusters — “smart” economy (smart information technologies, smart infrastructure etc.) and modern economy (agro-industrial complex and oil, gas and chemical complex, wood processing, automotive industry etc.)

On reaching the goals of the Strategy 2030, Tatarstan will be one of globally competitive regions, the growth poles of the world economy.

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Igor Sapunov
Igor Sapunov

Deputy head

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