Talia Minullina: “Previously it worked only from top to bottom”

Talia Minullina: “Previously it worked only from top to bottom”
The head of the Tatarstan Investment Development Agency noted that today, more than ever, the initiative of business associations can not only be heard at the federal level, but also quickly implemented in the form of various tools. For example, the investment map of Russia, presented recently in Moscow, caused a great response.

Talia Minullina spoke today at an open event of the Tatarstan regional branch of “Business Russia”.

During her speech, Talia Ilgizovna spoke about the elements of Reginveststandard, the investment map of Russia, digital services for investors: the Tatarstan Investment Control information system, a calculator of investor support measures and upcoming events.

We remind you that in December, the Chairman of the All-Russian public organization “Business Russia” Alexey Repik visited the AIR RT on a business visit. He highly appreciated the work of the Tatarstan investment team https://t.me/tidanews/3933

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