Meeting on the implementation of concession agreements and investment projects in the housing and communal services sector

Meeting on the implementation of concession agreements and investment projects in the housing and communal services sector
Today, at the Tatarstan prosecutor's office, the head of the Tatarstan Agency for Investment Development, Talia Minullina, took part in a meeting on the implementation of concession agreements and investment projects in the housing and communal services sector, chaired by the prosecutor of the republic, Albert Suyargulov.

“Keeping track of all changes, responding to them in a timely manner, preparing competent documents - this means keeping the most important issue under control - providing vital quality services primarily to our population and, of course, maintaining a brand in front of the guests of the Republic” - Talia Minullina.

Also taking part in it were First Deputy Minister of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexey Frolov, Head of the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on Tariffs Alexander Grunichev, and Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin. Prosecutors of cities and districts, as well as heads of municipalities of the republic participated in the discussion via video conferencing.

As a result of the discussion, a set of measures was developed to improve the situation in the housing and communal services sector of the republic, including monitoring the implementation of concession agreements, attracting investment in the industry and increasing the efficiency of utility companies.

“The Investment Development Agency is one of the coordinating bodies for the consideration of draft concession agreements in relation to heat supply facilities, centralized hot and cold water supply systems, wastewater disposal and individual objects of such systems. All concession agreements in Tatarstan are in order, we do not use this as a public initiative, we do not have this in practice, it is mainly a private initiative.” - Talia Minullina.

“Before developing concession agreements and all necessary documents, it is important:
- determine the list of objects that are planned to be transferred under concession agreements
- analyze title documents for objects (transfer and acceptance certificates, orders)
- conduct an analysis of land plots under concession agreements and how they will be transferred: lease agreement, easement or other mechanism
- analyze water supply/sanitation schemes or heat supply schemes, whether the required measures are included in such schemes

I would like to note that it is very important at the stage of preparing the concession agreement to take into account all the conditions, distribute all obligations between the parties, distribute risks” - Talia Minullina.

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