Investment digest of the Republic of Tatarstan: "investment hour" with Tyulyachinsky district

Investment digest of the Republic of Tatarstan: "investment hour" with Tyulyachinsky district
Tyulyachinsky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan reported on the implementation of measures to ensure sustainable socio-economic development within the framework of the republican meeting chaired by the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

Such meetings are held on a weekly basis in the Government House of the Republic. The report of the head of the district examines the main indicators of the district's activity, the development of industries, the state of entrepreneurship, the level of wages and unemployment, the pace of construction of social infrastructure and housing, education, achievements in various fields.

The head of the Tyulyachinsky district, Nazip Khazipov, said that an important indicator of the development of the district is the volume of gross territorial product, which, according to preliminary estimates, increased by 5% in 2022 in comparable prices (7.3 billion in 2021) and amounted to 8.3 billion. The task for the current year is to achieve a growth rate of 4% or the level of 8.6 billion rubles.

The set goal – diversification of the economy with an increase in the share of industry in the VTP of the district - is being fulfilled and is bearing fruit. Thanks to the development of the Tyulyachi industrial park, the Navruz milk processing cooperative, the Sharmashinsky Brick Factory and other small, but important enterprises for the district, the share of industrial production in the structure of the economy amounted to 27% (19% in 2020, 27% in 2021). Last year, products of its own production were shipped to the amount of 3.8 billion rubles.

The main support and growth point of the industry is the Industrial Park "Tyulyachi". Last year, the turnover of residents amounted to over 3.3 billion rubles (2.8 billion in 2021, 2.4 billion in 2020).

The anchor resident of LLC "LMR Plast" shipped products worth over 2.7 billion rubles. In 2022, they began to develop a new direction – the processing of polyethylene waste with further use in the production of plastic products. The resulting secondary crumb already covers up to 15% of the necessary raw materials for the final product. The volume of investments in 2022 amounted to 480 million rubles (in 2021, 880 million rubles).

TopGaz LLC is a natural gas liquefaction plant. The project is worth 1.5 billion rubles. The capacity is over 12 thousand tons per year. LNG supply contracts have been signed with such large companies as Novatek and Raritek.

Avangard-Stroy LLC has commissioned a new workshop for the production of iron fire doors. This year it is planned to complete the equipment.

Bogorodsky Roses Greenhouses LLC has mastered a new method of growing tulips on hydroponics. This year, 2 million tulips were successfully produced and sold for spring holidays. There are plans to build an additional greenhouse for 1,700 sq. m. The amount of investment is estimated at 40 million rubles.

With a positive industrial production index of 108% compared to the level of last year, the Tyulyachinsky butter factory "Navruz" is operating. In 2022, the turnover exceeded 650 million rubles. 70 tons of milk are processed per day. The goal is 100 tons. Since 2019, 142 million rubles have been invested.

LLC "Plant Nursery "Tyulyachi" increased the planting area to 16 hectares. This year it is planned to plant 10 more and start construction of additional greenhouses. The volume of investments amounted to 15 million rubles.

The company "August-Tyulyachi" continues its systematic development. In 2021, a modern grain drying complex was built, and in 2022, a grain storage warehouse for 8 thousand tons was built. The construction of an innovative seed complex continues. The installation of high-tech equipment of the company "Petkus" is underway. The deadline for putting the facility into operation is August of the current year. The total investment volume is 1.2 billion rubles, including 500 million rubles in 2022.

The new investor is the Mirovet company. It is planned to build 2 feedlots in the settlements of Alga and Saush. The volume of declared investments is over 800 million rubles. This project is also planned to be presented at the Investment Council.

LLC "Igenche" is completing the construction of a complex for 500 cattle with an investment of 307 million rubles.

The farm "Alan" continues the construction of a dairy complex for 1000 heads. The volume of investments is 558 million rubles. Delivery of the first stage is expected in the 4th quarter of 2023.

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